类别:js / 日期:2022-11-17 / 浏览:271 / 评论:0
bind()方法,创建一个新函数,当这个新函数被调用时,bind()的第一个参数将作为它运行时的 this,之后的一序列参数将会在传递的实参前传入作为它的参数
Function.prototype.bind2 = function (context) { if (typeof this !== "function") { throw new Error("Function.prototype.bind - what is trying to be bound is not callable"); } var self = this; var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); var fNOP = function () { }; var fbound = function () { self.apply(this instanceof self ? this : context, args.concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments))); } fNOP.prototype = this.prototype; fbound.prototype = new fNOP(); return fbound; }
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